John Hampson
Google Ads, Meta Ads, & Email Automations
Specializing in WordPress, WooCommerce & Shopify
70+ Active Marketing Platform Certifications
My consultative approach offers the best results for your marketing dollar, allowing you to accomplish your goals.
My knowledge and expertise, combined with your company’s insight and experience, will realize objectives quickly and effectively. Whether your business is just starting out, or you've been developing your online presence for decades, effective digital marketing will take your organization to the next level.
Advertising: Google, Meta, Microsoft, Amazon, Pinterest, & more
Engagement | Fee |
First 90 Days | $10,000 (one time) |
Monthly (ongoing) | $2,000 per month |
Fractional CMO |
From $5,000 - $15,000, depending on your requirements |
Still Need a Website, or a Refresh? |
From $2,500 - $10,000, depending on your requirements |
Shopify, WooCommerce, Squarespace, & Wix Certified |
Testimonials"John is passionate, reliable, determined, an overachiever, willing to push the limits, and has great long-term vision.""John is able to take complex or chaotic situations and simplify and organize them into a cohesive and easily understandable format.""John is easily able to assimilate disparate pieces of data into a working conclusion. He's able to solve complex problems in very little time, without getting bogged down in the details.""When it comes to marketing, he's a wizard, literally, at creating success from nothing. Working with John for over a decade, I've seen him outwork a dozen people by himself. There is no question that John will provide outcomes that excel far above and beyond what is negotiated in his rates."